Cover Page for a Research Paper

Cover Page for a Research Paper

A cover page for a research paper?! No problem, at all!

This is great that you are so self-confident, but are you 100 % sure that you will not make a mistake while organizing the cover page for your research paper. If you have, at least, slight doubt about that, you should definitely read this article.

This is true that a cover page for a research paper counts for less than 5 % of the overall grade. So, you have a choice either to lose this 5 % or get extra points. What do you choose? The answer is obvious!

A cover page for a research paper is the first page that your teacher sees – it is like the first impression, which will affect your final grade. There is no need to explain that your cover page for a research paper should be neat and clean (so, if your dog chewed on the cover page for your research paper – this is a bad idea to submit it to your teacher, accusing a poor animal).

Depending on the writing style you are required to follow- APA or MLA format, your cover page for a research paper will look differently. Since MLA writing format does not require a separate cover page, let us focus more on the requirements of APA style as for the cover page for a research paper.

Your cover page for a research paper should contain: a running head with the abbreviated title of your paper and a page header with the page number and title of the assignment at the top of the sheet. In the middle of the page, a full title of your paper, your name, the name of your teacher, university and class title should be placed. Your cover page for a research paper should have 1-inch margins from all four sides. Finally, the text of the cover page for your research paper should be double spaced, typed using 12-point Times New Roman type size.

A cover page for a research paper?! I need to be aware of some rules while organizing it!